Megan Aspey began her Property Apprenticeship with Co-op in September 2021 and since then has continued to exceed expectations and impress her employer, taking on challenging projects and carrying them out to the same standard as fully qualified and experienced construction managers.
Megan completed her Level 4 Associate Project Manager Apprenticeship this year, achieving a Distinction, and was also awarded Colleague Choice Apprentice of the Year at the Being Co-op Awards 2023.
We caught up with her following this fantastic achievement to find out more about her experience during her apprenticeship and what her next steps are now that she has completed her programme.
Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?
I chose to do an apprenticeship when I knew that university wasn’t the avenue for me. I am an active learner and take in information in a practical environment, so I thought that an apprenticeship would be a good way to learn. University didn’t appeal to me, and I wanted to get myself out into the working world.
What interested you in your current apprenticeship?
I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do once I had finished college. Project Management really interested me so I did some investigating into what it involved, and I thought it would be something I would enjoy. When I was applying for my apprenticeship, I did some research into Project Management that was more related to Construction and knew I would really enjoy it so that is why I applied.
How have you found your experience studying with the Growth Company?
Overall, my experience has been really positive with the Growth Company. There were some struggles at the start in terms of understanding the times scales but once I got a new mentor it was smooth sailing. My mentor Julie really supported with ways to revise and gave some really good feedback when I was completing my standards for the end-point assessment.
Have you faced any challenges that the Growth Company have helped you overcome?
At the start of the apprenticeship, I had some issues with my first mentor. There were some communication issues with expected timings for the apprenticeship and had I not moved over to work with my new mentor I may have fallen behind with the work. Everything worked out in the end, and I passed the PMQ exam first time and completed the apprenticeship with a distinction.
What have been some of the highlights of your career/apprenticeship so far?
There have been so many from meeting and working with new people, to managing my own projects, however the ultimate highlight of my apprenticeship was winning Apprentice of the Year!
How did you feel when you won the Apprentice of the Year Award?
I felt amazing. It was really good to feel supported by my colleagues and to be recognised for all the work I have done during my apprenticeship.
Would you recommend the Growth Company and an apprenticeship to others?
Yes, my experience overall has been great with the Growth Company as I had been supported fully by everyone involved. I would also recommend an apprenticeship to everyone. It has been one of the best experiences, working whilst getting a qualification at the same time.
What are your plans for after you complete your apprenticeship?
I have just moved into an Assistant Construction Manager role within the Construction team. I have also started looking into degree apprenticeships to start September 2024. I am at the start of that journey but something that would be great if it can happen.