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Remote Education Offer

17 Jan 2021
Remote education offer available for different learner cohorts (14 to 16, 16 to 19, apprentices, adult learners)

Following the government announcement about the national lockdown, all of our educational provision is now being delivered remotely. Our centres remain open for the provision of education to vulnerable learners and the children of key workers.

We offer flexible, individual learning programmes for learners on all our learning programmes (16-19 Study Programmes, Apprenticeships and Adult delivery). Timetables and delivery patterns are agreed on an individual basis and include fully remote delivery, face-to-face, or a blended model, dependent on learner need.

Remote learning is delivered through Zoom sessions with learners completing work on our virtual learning platforms. Where classroom delivery is continuing, we have ensured that our centres fully comply with all Covid-19 safety guidelines, including social distancing, regular cleaning of settings and the use of face masks.

Learners will continue to have regular progress reviews with their key members of staff to ensure they are on track and making progress with their learning.

Assessment and Exam Arrangements

We are working with all our awarding bodies to ensure that assessments are conducted in line with all recent government and Ofqual guidance. This is an ongoing situation and we will be communicating with all learners when we have updates about their specific exams or assessments. This includes our English and Maths GCSE delivery.

Expectations of students

We expect all learners to fully engage in their learning programmes during the lockdown period by completing work, engaging in remote learning sessions and remaining in contact with their tutors. We are also able to provide paper-based learning materials for those learners who require them.

Support for students without devices, connectivity or a suitable environment for learning

We are working with our learners to ensure that they all have access to the equipment they require to fully engage with their learning programmes. Our centres are remaining open so that learners can access IT equipment there, if appropriate. Should learners require specialist equipment or facilities, this can be arranged on an individual basis.

Support for students with SEND

We have a dedicated Learning Support Team who provide support for learners with SEND. They work on an individual basis with learners to ensure all their learning needs are met. We pride ourselves on delivering a quality of education to all learners, including learners with SEND.

The Learning Support Team work in partnership with tutors throughout Education and Skills to review the teaching delivery and to make resources more accessible, to ensure learning is taking place for all learners. They also work collaboratively with parents, carers, stakeholders to ensure the learner is supported holistically and can continue to make progress.

Please contact us to discuss your individual learning requirements.