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Fitted Interiors Installer Apprenticeship

21 months

A Fitted Interiors Installer works in the furniture and interiors industry, managing and installing fitted furniture like kitchens, bedrooms, and offices in homes and commercial settings.

Key duties include interpreting plans, conducting pre-installation surveys, preparing work areas, assembling and installing furniture, and collaborating with other trades like electricians and plumbers. They ensure high-quality service and often handle project management and customer interactions, building strong client relationships and exceeding expectations.

When does the course start?

You can start this apprenticeship at any time from July 2024.

What does the course cover?

On this apprenticeship, you will cover the following knowledge, skills and behaviours:


  • K1: Awareness of health and safety regulations, standards, and guidance, including:
    • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
    • Fire safety
    • Hazards and risks
    • Health and Safety at Work Act
    • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
    • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
  • K2: Understanding safe systems of work, such as:
    • Site inductions
    • Toolbox talks
    • Risk assessments
    • Method statements
    • Hazard identification in the work area
  • K3: Knowledge of personal protective equipment (PPE) types and use
  • K4: Understanding functional safety, including:
    • Voltage requirements of electrical fittings
    • Manual and mechanical lifting techniques
    • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
  • K5: Knowledge of building principles, including:
    • Roofs, walls, floors
    • Utilities and services
    • Insulation
    • Fire and moisture protection
    • Traditional and modern construction methods
  • K6: Pre-installation checks and inspection methods
  • K7: Interpretation of information from drawings, specifications, and functional designs
  • K8: Basic principles of digital design and modelling systems
  • K9: Understanding features of different interiors and their effects on placements
  • K10: Methods and techniques for fitted furniture assembly and installation
  • K11: Installation, fixing, and adjustment processes for boxing, boarding, and framework
  • K12: Basic principles of carpentry, including tools, materials, adhesives, and fixing methods
  • K13: Basic principles of plumbing, including tools, fittings, pipe types, and isolating water supply
  • K14: Basic principles of electrical installation, including plug and lighting circuits, consumer units, and isolating electrical supply
  • K15: Identification and reporting methods for common faults, snags, and issues
  • K16: Methods and techniques for faults and snags rectification, including root cause analysis
  • K17: Awareness of environmental and sustainability regulations and resource efficiency
  • K18: Awareness of stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms and support resources
  • K19: Verbal communication skills, overcoming barriers, and construction terminology
  • K20: Written communication techniques
  • K21: Understanding tools and equipment types, safe use, storage, and escalation of defects
  • K22: Installation and dry-fit methods for ancillary products
  • K23: Documentation requirements
  • K24: Principles of good team working



  • S1: Conducting location, product, material, and dimensional checks prior to installation
  • S2: Inspecting the building fabric for suitability of weight of installation
  • S3: Interpretation of information from drawings, specifications, and functional designs
  • S4: Compliance with health and safety regulations, standards, and guidance
  • S5: Using and storing hand and power tools
  • S6: Selecting and using personal protective equipment
  • S7: Removing and disposing of pre-existing products
  • S8: Assembling and installing fitted furniture components in sequence
  • S9: Installing boxing, boarding, and frameworks, adjusting for best fit
  • S10: Installing and dry-fitting ancillary products
  • S11: Identifying and reporting faults, snags, and issues
  • S12: Carrying out rectification work following root cause analysis
  • S13: Maintaining a safe working area and returning it to a safe condition
  • S14: Conducting customer handover, including providing product guidance
  • S15: Communicating verbally with internal and external customers, colleagues, and managers
  • S16: Collaborating with clients or stakeholders to solve problems
  • S17: Compliance with environmental and sustainability regulations, standards, and guidance
  • S18: Applying team working principles
  • S19: Completing documentation


  • B1: Supporting an inclusive workplace and respecting different views
  • B2: Seeking learning and development opportunities
  • B3: Prioritizing health and safety
  • B4: Considering the environment and sustainability
What will I achieve?

On successful completion, you will achieve a Level 2 Fitted Interiors Installer Apprenticeship.

What are the entry requirements?

Applicants must have GCSE Grade 2/E in English and Maths.

Where will I study?

Our Skills Development Tutors will visit you on-site to work with you in line with your employer's needs and expectations.

How much does the course cost?

There is no fee for the learner. For information on costs to the employer, please contact us.

T. 0161 876 3300